Nestrom UAT

by Nestrom



*This is Nestrom UAT Application Your most valuable tool on the field. Capture data from Mobiles & Tablets✓ Capture inspections with rich forms✓ Report critical observations for action✓ Receive and report back work-orders✓ Online & offline supportAction Data✓ Schedule work-orders and tasks for field teams✓ Send work-requests to field workers or contractors and receive reports when the job has been completed✓ Track work-order statusCapture data from Alerts✓ Receive alerts from devices and machines✓ Convert alerts into work-orders for action✓ IoT connectors available through the state of the art integrationsCapture data from bots✓ Receive work-requests from any source like WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, and SMS. Convert them to work-orders and follow up on them easily.